Warning Signs That Your School-Aged Child May Need To See A Child Psychologist

By the time your child is in school, you have a fairly good idea as to what their normal personality is like, what their quirks are and what their sensitivity level is at. However, these things may slightly change as they age, making it challenging to determine if your child is experiencing a possible issue that needs to be addressed by a child psychologist or behaviors that are exhibited due to normal life changes, aging or hormones. Here are a few of the behavioral changes that are not normal and may signify that your child should be evaluated by and speak to a child psychologist.

Your Child Has Developed Self-Destructive Behaviors

One of the biggest warning signs that something is amiss with your child is your child developing self-destructive behavior. This may be something like your child banging their head against a wall, ripping their hair out, picking at their skin or even cutting. If you notice these behaviors and they are not a one time thing, then you need to figure out what is causing this to happen. A child psychologist can help with this and work to turn these negative behaviors into positive ones.

Your Child is Regressing

Another sign that your child may need to talk to a child psychologist is that they are regressing. This means that a potty trained child may suddenly have accidents again, a child who is independent may suddenly become clingy, or a child who has outgrown the temper tantrum and whiny stage may revert to it again. This behavior is often attributed to changes in the home, such as the birth of a new child, a sudden death or a divorce. A child psychologist can get to the root of your child's problem and give them an outlet to talk about it and let it out in a safe way, rather than regressing.

Your Child's Daily Life Habits Have Changed

Every child may have a bad day, stressful day or not feel well. This can cause them to be more tired than normal, eat less than normal or be more anxious. However, if you notice your child's behaviors have changed and their eating, sleeping, grooming, and behavioral habits have changed, there may be something else going on. Unfortunately, this can be hard to diagnose. Changing habits can range from anxiety problems, to depression, to simply being overwhelmed. A psychologist can help identify the problem and work with your child to treat the problem.

Your Child is Isolating Themselves

The last sign that your child may need to see a child psychologist is self-isolating behavior. If your child no longer wants to hang out with their friends, leave the house, interact with the family or participate in activities they once enjoyed, you should be concerned. Your child may be being bullied, may suffer from depression or may be struggling to maintain positive relationships. Working with a psychologist like those at NeuroHealth Arlington Heights can help your child interact positively with their peers and family once again.
